Saturday 1 November 2008

wspomnienia z podrozy / memories from the trip

pobudka byla o 4 rano i autobus ku naszemu zaskoczeniu odjechal punktualnie o 5:00. pierwsze szesc godzin do Bagio uplynelo bardzo szybko bo jeszcze odsypialysmy krotka noc, pomimo rzucania na prawo i lewo bo droga wiodla przez gory i standardowo byla wyboista i kreta - najdluzszy odcinek bez zakretu mial max 300m. Ale za to widoki wspaniale chociaz niestety przez okno autobusu.
W Bagio zrobilysmy godzinna przerwe na lunch a zaraz potem o pierwszej wsiadlysmy do luksusowego autobusu bo z klima i tv do Manili. Najpier lecial jakis show, ktorego nie moglysmy zrozumiec, potem pan puscil film z pirata - pirat pierwsza klasa, krecony w kinie w Japoni. Jak raz sie zacial w polowie, to Pan puscil go od nowa, a jak sie zacial drugi raz jakies 15 minut przed koncem to pan zmienil go na drugiego pirata, czym doprowadzil Monie do szalu:)) Drugi film udalo nam sie obejrzec do konca, ale zadna z nas nie zrozumiala puenty.
Do Manili dotarlysmy ok 21szej i zaczely sie poszukiwania hotelu. Taksowkarz polecila nam dobry niedrogi hotel kolo lotniska. Dostalysmy pokoj delux w cenie premium a gratis byl karaluch, grzyby na scianie i sniadanie. Dodatkowo, jak poszlysmy cos zjesc okazalo sie ze jestesmy w Filipinskiej dzielnicy czerwonych latarnii, gdzie oprocz domow publicznych dominowaly bary karaoke. Jak w koncu udalo nam sie znalezc lokal gdzie bylo cicho okazalo sie, ze jestesmy jedynymi kobietami w lokalu. Wszystko byloby super, gdyby nie fakt, ze po 3 piwach kazda z nas miala dzisiaj tragicznego kaca - chyba to nie bylo jednak piwo... albo noodle byly nie halo:))
We woke up at 4am and to our suprise the bus has left on time at 5 am. Firtst 6 hours to Bagio passed very fast as we were sleeping after short night. Despite the fact that road was very bumpy and curvy. The longest stright part had max 300m. :)
The viewes were superior although we could admire them only from bus.
In Bagio we had 1 hour break for lunch, and after that we took at 1pm another bus to Manila. This was luxury bus - with TV and AirCon. First we watched the show which we could not understand. Than we got movie which was an "excellent" pirat - made in Japan in the cinema. When it stuck the first time (in the mioddle) the guy started it over agian. The second time it stucked 15 minutes before the end the guy has changed it for another "pirat" movie..... which drove Monika crazy:)) We watched the second movie till the end however we did not get it.
We arrived to Manila at 9pm, and the taxi driver has recommended to us decent hotel next to ariport. We got delux room in premium price including crocroach, dumpy bathroom and breakfast. On top of th at when we left hotel to eat something we have realised that this is philippinian red district, where except "houses of pleasure" there were many of karaoke bars:))) when finally we found silent place it has appeared that we are the only females there. Everything was fine except the fact that today we had hangover after just 3 beers. Maybe it was not a beer or the noodles were not good.

nasz autobus po lewej stronie zdjecia/ our bus on the left side of the picture

widoczki / views

a tu dalej widoczki razem z droga po ktorej jechalysmy / and here still the views but with our road which we already took

1 comment:

mama ala said...

a natych polach w górach to tez chyba tarasy ryżowe czy się mylę/